The relationship between attachment styles, love and sexual satisfaction with loneliness in women

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Psychology M.D, Department of Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University(PNU), Tehran, Iran


The current study tries to find out the causes of divorce in women who are on the verge of divorce based on their life scripts. The qualitative method, the case study, was used to explore the causes.  Twenty-one subjects were selected from the population that included all the women on the verge of divorce in Isfahan City, via the saturation sampling method. Data were collected using the semi-structured interviews within three parts; (1) the demographic information; (2) the divorce causes; and (3) the lived scenarios. The three-way method (e.g., researchers, supervisors, and counselors) was applied to standardize properties of interviews. The data were analyzed by manual coding, in which data were examined by the explicit and implicit contents. The findings showed that in the causes  of the separation of free-sex relations with the opposite gender, “don’t think” and “don’t belong to” scripts, in the violence of the spouse, “don't be important” and “satisfy” scripts, in the spouse’s neglect of desires, “don't be” and “satisfy” scripts, in the assignment of the wife and the husband’s position and the spouse’s irresponsibility, “don't be child” script, about the wrong thought to men, “don’t be close” script, and about the spouse’s remarriage “don't be important” script are involved. Thus, it can be said that the life scripts impact causes of the divorce and these causes are more likely to provide the direction and specific reasons for these women’s behaviors.


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