Guide for Authors

Authors  guide

instructions to post article

–  The article should not be issued in persian or foreigner journals.

–  The article in compatible format with Microsoft®word should be sent to the website and should contain these parts  respectively:

1.  Author(s)’s identity :  name, rank and academic or institutional dependence in persian and english; Email Address and afew words  about  academic and studious history;

2.  Phone number, Email Address and Postal address, responsible author and (each author)

3. Article title in persian and english.

4. Article abstract and key words - in persian and english.

5. Article text:

  • Intruduction
  • Statment of problem
  • Review of litrature
  • Material & Method
  • Result & Discussions
  • Conclusion
  • References

6. References- first persian/Arabic References and then other languages.

– Article text should not be more than 7000 words and abstract should not be more than 200 words.

– In Article text, should refer to references with cititing author(s) name and the year. For texts induced from references, page number should be mentioned.

–  References must be in alphabetical order and must be written as below:

Book: Family, Author(s) ‘s name(s).publication year. Book name, volume number, publication time, Translator name in persian, place of publication : publication name.

Article: Family, Author(s) ‘s name(s). publication year, «Article title», Journal name, edition or year(number): page numbers.

Thesis: Family, Author name,  writing year. «Thesis title», Thesis course. Department, college, University, University place.

–For every expression and non-persian names, the original form must be mentioned in footnote.

–Women social-Psychological studies prefers to issue writings which are Iranian studies accomplishment about women matters in Iran.

– Women social-Psychological studies, editing arrived articles without any change in its content , is free.

–The resposibility of words written in articles, is with author(s).

–  Women social - Psychological studies journal just accepts articles which are in these subjects:

-Social (Women- gender)

  • Social Psychology (Women- gender)

Extended Abstract:

  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Findings
  • References