The security of Women in the Urban Public Spaces and the effective physical factors (Case study: The Elgoli Park of Tabriz)

Document Type : Research Paper


Architecture, University of Tabriz


Due the Patriarchy exists in today’s society, parks and urban spaces are not secure enough for women, which in turn keeps them away from using services publicly available in these spaces. This paper attempts to understand the role of environmental aspects in formation of a healthy relationship among people.
Designing spaces by considering gender-specific properties is an important issue to be considered. The reason for choosing the Elgoli Park, is due to its historical and geographical importance and also the fact that this park is a central and unique place for people. Hence, focusing on security and its distribution over different groups of people, especially women, is of high importance in shaping favorite spaces, better than existing spaces.
The present study was carried out using qualitative method using interview and mapping techniques and in a comparative manner in four main locations of the Park of Elgoli. The results of findings show that the feeling of security in different areas of the park is different. In other words, between physical and functional properties of the park and the feeling of security there exists meaningful relation. The factors of feeling security by women questioned in the park impacted by physical attributes such as the size of space, specifically the crowds, visual and environmental comfort, specifically a symbol and light pollution and neighboring with active functions. In the end, the proposed solutions for promoting women security have been suggested.


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