Impact of FaciJitators Program on Rural Women: Case of Sepidar Rural Community in Boyer-Ahmad County


1 M.Sc.Dept. of Rural Development Management. Faculty of Agriculture, Yasouj University

2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rural Development . lanagement, Faculty of Agriculture. Yasouj University


This study undertook to analyze the consequences of fa ilitaring project on rural women in Sepidar Dehestan of Boyer-Ahmad County in Iran. Dehestan refers to a unit of settlement which is composed of a collection of rural villages. The study took the form of a causal-comparati\e design, and the survey method was used to collect the data. An a tual \ illage with and without the facilitating project was used a the trata. Therefore, the statistical population of the study was all rural women in \ iJlages of Sepidar in three strata: active, inactive, and the rural women in villages without the project. A multi-stage stratified random sampling was u ed to select rural women in each stratum. The fmal sample included 210 rural women in the villages. Face-to-face interviews were used to collect data with the aid of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was pre-tested and revi ed based on the pilot study. Findings showed that the economic situation of active rural women was better in comparison with inactive and the women in villages without the project. Similar result was found in socia-culture dimension. The results of analysis of covariance revealed the proj ct had a significant influence on rural women with regard to the socia-economic criteria. Therefore, the economic and socio-culture status of rural women in villages with the project were improved 0.13 and 0.46 respectively.
