Self-Ef.icac~ Achievement Goals, Task Value, Cognitive Engagement and Mathematics AchievementCase Study on Gender Differences in Mahabad City


1 Associate Professor, University of Tehran

2 M.A


The current study aims to compare gender differences in self-efficacy, achievement goals, task value, cognitive engagement and mathematics achievement of high school students studying at the third grade of high school (in mathematics) in the city of Mahabad. We analyzed data obtained from 280 students (of whom 113 were girls and 167 were boys). Instruments used to measure the variables of the study were Midgley and Middleton Math Self­efficacy Questionnaire (1997), Achievement Goals Scale (Midgley,, 2000), Kember, (2004), Superficial and Deep Strategies Subscale and Task Value Subscale (Pintritch,, 1991 ). Results indicated girls scored higher in mastery goals, task value and math achievement compared to boys, but there were no significant gender differences regarding performance-approach and performance­avoidance goals. In addition, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) revealed while boys were more likely to use superficial strategies, there was no significant difference between boys and girls on their usage of deep strategies.
