Identifying the Influential Factors on Women's Entrepreneurship Based on a Bibliometric Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's student in Entrepreneurship Management, e-business major, Entrepreneurship Development Group

2 Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Farshi Moghadam Street

3 Associate Professor, Department of Organizational Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran

4 Master's student in entrepreneurship management, technological entrepreneurship, technological entrepreneurship department



This research study investigates the intricate interplay of cultural context, gender stereotypes, and individual factors impacting women's entrepreneurship using scientometric analysis. A dataset of 1416 articles and studies on women, culture, and entrepreneurship published between 1995 and 2022 was analyzed using co-occurrence and content analysis methods. The findings elucidate that women can prosper in social entrepreneurship despite prevailing societal views of entrepreneurship as a male domain. Gender stereotypes and societal roles were found to be key influencers of women's entrepreneurial actions and societal expectations, which can be moderated through counseling or coaching like empowering women to challenge stereotypes, overcome barriers, and confidently pursue entrepreneurial opportunities. Also, individual factors, including motivation, mental health, physical health, and self-efficacy, were found to significantly influence women's entrepreneurship. This research sheds light on the role of coaching as a moderating factor in women's entrepreneurial activities. It emphasizes the need for future studies on the role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy among women and its cultural nuances.


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