The Relationship between Domestic Violence and Marital Instability Mediated by Dysfunctional Attitudes in The Commitment of Women in Karaj during The COVID-19 Pandemy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of The Departeman of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

2 Master in Psycology, Danesh Alborz University, Qazvin, Iran. sarahanifeh6032@



The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in numerous effects on mental health and family-related issues. This research aimed to investigate the relationship between domestic violence and marital instability, with the mediation of ineffective attitudes, on the commitment of women in Karaj during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research employed a descriptive-correlational method and utilized a structural equation model. The statistical population comprised all married women living in Karaj from 1400 to 1401. A sample of 200 individuals was selected through the available sampling method, and they responded to questionnaires on marital commitment, domestic violence, standard marital instability, and ineffective attitudes. The proposed model was analyzed using the structural equation modeling method and SPSS version 26, along with AMOS software. The findings indicated significant direct relationships at the 0.05 level, including the impact of domestic violence and marital instability on women's commitment, as well as the influence of ineffective attitudes on women's commitment and the connection between domestic violence and marital instability. Furthermore, indirect effects of marital instability and domestic violence through ineffective attitudes on marital commitment demonstrated a significant correlation. The modified structural model exhibited a good and desirable fit with the research data. Consequently, the confirmed relationship between domestic violence and marital instability, with the mediation of ineffective attitudes, on women's commitment in Karaj during the COVID-19 pandemic was discussed in light of Johnson's power theory and Stanley and Markman's commitment theory.


Marital Commitment, Domestic Violence, Dysfunctional Attitude, Marriage Instability
The world encountered the sudden and surprising phenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic, imposing limitations on social life, fostering isolation and uncertainty, and leading to increased tension and conflict among couples. This situation has negatively impacted mental health, particularly due to the rise in domestic violence. According to a report by the United Nations Population Fund, one consequence of this pandemic was the surge in domestic violence (1). Undoubtedly, none of the social damages are separate from their impact on the family. Among the consequences of family dysfunction are marital incompatibilities and violence among members (2). Domestic violence stands out as the most common form of violence against women, often associated with women being deprived of individual and social freedoms (Danesh Nari & Khebri Noghani, 2022).
Marital instability and stability are significantly affected by domestic violence. Statistics indicate that the phenomenon of domestic violence is not limited to the COVID-19 pandemic; various factors, including ineffective attitudes, exert a substantial impact on it. Ineffective attitudes, both directly and indirectly through unadapted primary mental structures, exhibit a positive and meaningful relationship with domestic violence in women on the verge of divorce (3). According to Dong et al. (2022), among the structures closely related to marital life stability is marital commitment. Despite the limited focus on the role of marital stability and its relationship with women's commitment in marital life, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of ineffective attitudes has often been examined simplistically, not as a mediator. The present study aims to determine the relationship between domestic violence and marital instability, with the mediation of ineffective attitudes on women's commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The current research is a descriptive study conducted using a correlational method and employing the structural equation type with a statistical path analysis method. The statistical population for this study comprised all married women residing in the city of Karaj during the years 1400-1401. A sample of 200 individuals was selected using the available sampling method. In this study, self-report tools, including questionnaires on marital commitment, domestic violence, marital instability, and ineffective attitudes, were utilized for data collection.
The findings indicated that the direct paths, encompassing the influence of domestic violence on women's commitment, marital instability on women's commitment, and ineffective attitudes on women's commitment, as well as the connection between domestic violence and marital instability among the sampled individuals, were correlated, and the relationships were significant at the 0.05 level. Additionally, the indirect effects of marital instability and domestic violence through ineffective attitudes on marital commitment were correlated, and the relationships were significant. The modified structural model of the research exhibited a desirable and good fit with the research data.
This research aimed to determine the relationship between domestic violence and marital instability with the mediation of ineffective attitudes on the commitment of women in Karaj during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the research results, a relationship exists between domestic violence and marital instability with the mediation of ineffective attitudes on the commitment of women in Karaj during the COVID-19 pandemic. This finding aligns with the results of other studies. According to Johnson's (2007) power theory, violence in the family usually arises from the need to control and dominate women. This theory can provide an explanation for the increase in domestic violence during the corona period. Social limitations and economic stresses can cause some men to attempt to exert more power at home, leading to violence. It seems that increased violence negatively affects women's commitment to marriage, reinforcing this instability. On the other hand, according to the commitment theory of Stanley and Markman (1992), commitment is a key factor for marital stability. Based on the findings, ineffective attitudes play a significant role in reducing commitment. These attitudes can act as a mediator in the relationship between violence and instability. In other words, violence can strengthen ineffective attitudes, ultimately leading to a reduction in commitment. According to Bandura's (1977) social learning theory, behaviors are learned from models and social experiences. Accordingly, it is possible that women exposed to domestic violence learn ineffective attitudes and behaviors, weakening their commitment to marriage.
Alizadeh Mosavi, A., Jajarmi, M. & Mehrpouya, F. (2021). The structural relationship of communication beliefs and marital commitment: The mediating role of communication patterns. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 23(2), 109-121.
Amirarjmandi, Z., Jahangir, P. & Niknam, M. (2021). Explaining marital commitment in married women based on early maladaptive schemas and locus of control: Investigating the mediating role of spirituality. Journal of Applied Psychological Research12(3), 395-409. (In Persian)
Ansaripour, S. & Shiri, M. (1400). How are misconceptions corrected? Behvarz, 32(109), 2-7. (In Persian)
Bagrezaei, P., Zanjani, H. & Seifullahi, S. (2019). Investigation of relation between social capital and violence against women in families in Ilam during 2017. Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences27(2), 111-122. (In Persian)
Bakhtiari, E., Hosseini, S., Arefi, M. & Afsharinia, K. (2019). Causal model of extramarital affairs based on attachment styles and early maladaptive schemas: mediating role of marital intimacy and love styles. Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion7(2), 245-258. (In Persian)
Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191.
Beauvoir, S. D. (1972). The coming of age. First Published.
Behnia, L., Ghorban Shirodi, S. & Khalatbari, J. (2019). Relationship between insecure attachment and dysfunctional parenting with women's domestic violence on the verge of divorce through mediation of early maladaptive schemas. Journal of Psychological Science18(75), 275-286. (In Persian)
Berggren, K. & Gottzén, L. (2022). Rethinking male peer support theory: Social network responses to young men’s violence against women. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 30(2), 291-307.
Bowen, M. (1978). Family therapy in clinical practice. New York & London: Jason Aronson.
Cabılar, B. Ö. & Yılmaz, A. E. (2022). Divorce and post-divorce adjustment: Definitions, models and assessment of adjustment. Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar, 14(1), 1-11.
Coker, A. L., Davis, K. E., Arias, I., Desai, S., Sanderson, M., Brandt, H. M. & Smith, P. H. (2002). Physical and mental health effects of intimate partner violence for men and women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23(4), 260-268.
Danesh Nari, H. & Khabiri Noghani, A. (2022). Legal-criminological analysis of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence a case study of Mashhad women. Biannual Journal of Family Law And Jurisprudence, 27(77), 282-253. (In Persian)
Davis, H. & Turner, M. J. (2020). The use of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) to increase the self-determined motivation and psychological well-being of triathletes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9(4), 489-505.
Debowska, A., Boduszek, D., Jones, A. D., Willmott, D. & Sherretts, N. (2021). Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(3-4), 1233-1255.
Dew, J., Trujillo, S. & Saxey, M. (2022). Predicting marital financial deception in a national sample: A person‐centered approach. Family Relations, 71(4), 1497-1514.
Dobson, K. S. & Breiter, H. J. (1983). Cognitive assessment of depression: Reliability and validity of three measures. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 92, 107-109.
Dong, S., Dong, Q. & Chen, H. (2022). Mothers' parenting stress, depression, marital conflict, and marital satisfaction: The moderating effect of fathers' empathy tendency. Journal of Affective Disorders, 299, 682-690.
Edwards, J. N., Johnson, D. R. & Booth, A. (1987). Coming apart: A prognostic instrument of marital breakup. Family Relations, 36(2), 168-170.
Evans, D. P., Hawk, S. R. & Ripkey, C. E. (2021). Domestic violence in Atlanta, Georgia before and during COVID-19. Violence and Gender, 8(3), 140-147.
Fawole, O. I. (2008). Economic violence to women and girls: Is it receiving the necessary attention? Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 9(3), 167-177.
Ge, X. & Hou, Y. (2022). Patterns of achievement attribution of Chinese adults and their sociodemographic characteristics and psychological outcomes: a large-sample longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111230.
Ghanbarian, E., Keshavarz, H., Eskandari, N. & Saeedi, M. (2020). The effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on the life quality and the desire for divorce in newly married couples. Family Counseling and Psychotherapy, 9(2), 31-52. (In Persian)
Gharai, B. (1993). Investigating some of the cognitive patterns in patients suffering from comorbid anxiety and depression. Master's thesis in clinical psychology, Tehran Institute of Psychiatry. (In Persian)
Gulati, G. & Kelly, B. D. (2020). Domestic violence against women and the COVID-19 pandemic: What is the role of psychiatry?. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 71, 101594.
Hatami Varzaneh, A., Esmaeily, M. & Borjali, A. (2016). Long term satisfied marriage model: A grounded theory study. Address: Journal of Family Counseling and Psychotherapy, 61(21), 120-149. (In Persian)
He, Q., Zhong, M., Tong, W., Lan, J., Li, X., Ju, X. & Fang, X. (2018). Forgiveness, marital quality, and marital stability in the early years of Chinese marriage: An actor–partner interdependence mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1520.
Heidari Jaghargh, K., Salarifar, M. H. & Khorshidzade, M. (2022). Designing and validation of premarital counseling package based on schema therapy approach. Qualitative Research in Behavioral Sciences1(1), 1-13. (In Persian)
Imanifard, E. & Hafezi, F. (2010). Comparison of family violence and dysfunctional attitudes in runaway and normal girls. New Findings in Psychology (Social Psychology), 5(14), 53-68. (In Persian)
Jahandar Lashki, S., Sadat Hosseini, S. & Kakabaraei, K. (2020). Thee causal model of the relationship between tendency to marital infidelity and media use mediated by dysfunctional attitudes and emotional divorce. The Women and Families Cultural-Educational15(51), 71-90. (In Persian)
Jhangiani, R. & Tarry, H. (2022). 11.2 Ingroup Favoritism and Prejudice. Principles of Social Psychology-1st International H5P Edition.
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Jyothi, T. A., Devi, M. S., Sreedevi, P., Rani, R. N. & Supraja, T. (2020). Effect of family life education on marital satisfaction of married couple. The Pharma Innovation Journal8(9), 10-14.
Khayyam Nekouei, N. & Rezaei, F. (2019). The effect of defense mechanisms training on anger expression, personal unadjustment and attributional styles in university students. Journal of Psychological Studies15(3), 123-140. (In Persian)
Khodayarifard, M. & Asayesh, M. H. (2020). Psychological coping strategies and techniques to deal with stress & anxiety around Coronavirus (COVID-19). Journal of Rooyesh of Psychology, 9(8), 1-18. (In Persian)
Kline, R. B. (2023). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. Guilford publications.
Kolbe, A. R. & Hutson, R. A. (2006). Human rights abuse and other criminal violations in Port-au-Prince, Haiti: A random survey of households. The Lancet, 368(9538), 864-873.
Kumar, D. P. (2021). What impact have SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence against women in India across different states and union territories from the beginning of lockdown due to covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 till 20th September 2020? How Covid-19 pandemic induced lockdown influence mental health of women in India?. How Covid-19 pandemic induced lockdown influence mental health of women in India.
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Lee, J., Cho, I. K., Kim, K., Kim, C., Park, C. H. K., Yi, K. & Chung, S. (2022). Discrepancy between desired time in bed and desired total sleep time, insomnia, depression, and dysfunctional beliefs about sleep among the general population. Psychiatry Investigation, 19(4), 281-288.
Maji, S., Bansod, S. & Singh, T. (2022). Domestic violence during COVID‐19 pandemic: The case for Indian women. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 32(3), 374-381.
Mas’udah, S. (2023). Power relations of husbands and wives experiencing domestic violence in dual-career families in Indonesia. Millennial Asia, 14(1), 5-27.
Michau, L. & Namy, S. (2021). SASA! Together: An evolution of the SASA! approach to prevent violence against women. Evaluation and Program Planning, 86, 101918.
Mohseni Tabrizi, A. R., Kaldi, A. R. & Javadianzadeh, M. (2013). The study of domestic violence in marrid women addmitted to Yazd legal medicine organization and welfare organization. Tolooebehdasht, 11(3), 11-24. (In Persian)
Nasir, M., Farzad, V., Sepah Mansour, M., Hasani F. & Salehi, M. (2017). An examination of the rusbult investment model (Marital satisfaction, quality of alternative relationships, investment size, marital commitment and marital relationship persistence), on women on the verge of divorce. Journal of Social Work Research4(12), 81-106. (In Persian)
Pirabbas, M. H. & Manesh, N. E. (2022). Effectiveness of positive cognitive-behavioral therapy on  sexual dysfunctional beliefs and quality of life in people with a substance abuse tendency. Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 1-6.
Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Sampogna, G., Albert, U., Carmassi, C., Carrà, G., ... & Fiorillo, A. (2022). The impact of Covid-19 on unemployment across Italy: Consequences for those affected by psychiatric conditions. Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 59-66.
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Main Subjects

Alizadeh Mosavi, A., Jajarmi, M. & Mehrpouya, F. (2021). The structural relationship of communication beliefs and marital commitment: The mediating role of communication patterns. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 23(2), 109-121.
Amirarjmandi, Z., Jahangir, P. & Niknam, M. (2021). Explaining marital commitment in married women based on early maladaptive schemas and locus of control: Investigating the mediating role of spirituality. Journal of Applied Psychological Research12(3), 395-409. (In Persian)
Ansaripour, S. & Shiri, M. (1400). How are misconceptions corrected? Behvarz, 32(109), 2-7. (In Persian)
Bagrezaei, P., Zanjani, H. & Seifullahi, S. (2019). Investigation of relation between social capital and violence against women in families in Ilam during 2017. Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences27(2), 111-122. (In Persian)
Bakhtiari, E., Hosseini, S., Arefi, M. & Afsharinia, K. (2019). Causal model of extramarital affairs based on attachment styles and early maladaptive schemas: mediating role of marital intimacy and love styles. Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion7(2), 245-258. (In Persian)
Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191.
Beauvoir, S. D. (1972). The coming of age. First Published.
Behnia, L., Ghorban Shirodi, S. & Khalatbari, J. (2019). Relationship between insecure attachment and dysfunctional parenting with women's domestic violence on the verge of divorce through mediation of early maladaptive schemas. Journal of Psychological Science18(75), 275-286. (In Persian)
Berggren, K. & Gottzén, L. (2022). Rethinking male peer support theory: Social network responses to young men’s violence against women. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 30(2), 291-307.
Bowen, M. (1978). Family therapy in clinical practice. New York & London: Jason Aronson.
Cabılar, B. Ö. & Yılmaz, A. E. (2022). Divorce and post-divorce adjustment: Definitions, models and assessment of adjustment. Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar, 14(1), 1-11.
Coker, A. L., Davis, K. E., Arias, I., Desai, S., Sanderson, M., Brandt, H. M. & Smith, P. H. (2002). Physical and mental health effects of intimate partner violence for men and women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23(4), 260-268.
Danesh Nari, H. & Khabiri Noghani, A. (2022). Legal-criminological analysis of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence a case study of Mashhad women. Biannual Journal of Family Law And Jurisprudence, 27(77), 282-253. (In Persian)
Davis, H. & Turner, M. J. (2020). The use of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) to increase the self-determined motivation and psychological well-being of triathletes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9(4), 489-505.
Debowska, A., Boduszek, D., Jones, A. D., Willmott, D. & Sherretts, N. (2021). Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(3-4), 1233-1255.
Dew, J., Trujillo, S. & Saxey, M. (2022). Predicting marital financial deception in a national sample: A person‐centered approach. Family Relations, 71(4), 1497-1514.
Dobson, K. S. & Breiter, H. J. (1983). Cognitive assessment of depression: Reliability and validity of three measures. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 92, 107-109.
Dong, S., Dong, Q. & Chen, H. (2022). Mothers' parenting stress, depression, marital conflict, and marital satisfaction: The moderating effect of fathers' empathy tendency. Journal of Affective Disorders, 299, 682-690.
Edwards, J. N., Johnson, D. R. & Booth, A. (1987). Coming apart: A prognostic instrument of marital breakup. Family Relations, 36(2), 168-170.
Evans, D. P., Hawk, S. R. & Ripkey, C. E. (2021). Domestic violence in Atlanta, Georgia before and during COVID-19. Violence and Gender, 8(3), 140-147.
Fawole, O. I. (2008). Economic violence to women and girls: Is it receiving the necessary attention? Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 9(3), 167-177.
Ge, X. & Hou, Y. (2022). Patterns of achievement attribution of Chinese adults and their sociodemographic characteristics and psychological outcomes: a large-sample longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111230.
Ghanbarian, E., Keshavarz, H., Eskandari, N. & Saeedi, M. (2020). The effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on the life quality and the desire for divorce in newly married couples. Family Counseling and Psychotherapy, 9(2), 31-52. (In Persian)
Gharai, B. (1993). Investigating some of the cognitive patterns in patients suffering from comorbid anxiety and depression. Master's thesis in clinical psychology, Tehran Institute of Psychiatry. (In Persian)
Gulati, G. & Kelly, B. D. (2020). Domestic violence against women and the COVID-19 pandemic: What is the role of psychiatry?. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 71, 101594.
Hatami Varzaneh, A., Esmaeily, M. & Borjali, A. (2016). Long term satisfied marriage model: A grounded theory study. Address: Journal of Family Counseling and Psychotherapy, 61(21), 120-149. (In Persian)
He, Q., Zhong, M., Tong, W., Lan, J., Li, X., Ju, X. & Fang, X. (2018). Forgiveness, marital quality, and marital stability in the early years of Chinese marriage: An actor–partner interdependence mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1520.
Heidari Jaghargh, K., Salarifar, M. H. & Khorshidzade, M. (2022). Designing and validation of premarital counseling package based on schema therapy approach. Qualitative Research in Behavioral Sciences1(1), 1-13. (In Persian)
Imanifard, E. & Hafezi, F. (2010). Comparison of family violence and dysfunctional attitudes in runaway and normal girls. New Findings in Psychology (Social Psychology), 5(14), 53-68. (In Persian)
Jahandar Lashki, S., Sadat Hosseini, S. & Kakabaraei, K. (2020). Thee causal model of the relationship between tendency to marital infidelity and media use mediated by dysfunctional attitudes and emotional divorce. The Women and Families Cultural-Educational15(51), 71-90. (In Persian)
Jhangiani, R. & Tarry, H. (2022). 11.2 Ingroup Favoritism and Prejudice. Principles of Social Psychology-1st International H5P Edition.
Johnson, M. P. (2007). Domestic violence: The intersection of gender and control. Gender Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 257-268.
Jyothi, T. A., Devi, M. S., Sreedevi, P., Rani, R. N. & Supraja, T. (2020). Effect of family life education on marital satisfaction of married couple. The Pharma Innovation Journal8(9), 10-14.
Khayyam Nekouei, N. & Rezaei, F. (2019). The effect of defense mechanisms training on anger expression, personal unadjustment and attributional styles in university students. Journal of Psychological Studies15(3), 123-140. (In Persian)
Khodayarifard, M. & Asayesh, M. H. (2020). Psychological coping strategies and techniques to deal with stress & anxiety around Coronavirus (COVID-19). Journal of Rooyesh of Psychology, 9(8), 1-18. (In Persian)
Kline, R. B. (2023). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. Guilford publications.
Kolbe, A. R. & Hutson, R. A. (2006). Human rights abuse and other criminal violations in Port-au-Prince, Haiti: A random survey of households. The Lancet, 368(9538), 864-873.
Kumar, D. P. (2021). What impact have SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence against women in India across different states and union territories from the beginning of lockdown due to covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 till 20th September 2020? How Covid-19 pandemic induced lockdown influence mental health of women in India?. How Covid-19 pandemic induced lockdown influence mental health of women in India.
Laratta, S., Giannotti, L., Tonin, P., Calabrò, R. S. & Cerasa, A. (2021). Marital stability and quality of couple relationships after acquired brain injury: A two-year follow-up clinical study. In Healthcare, 9(3), 283.
Lee, J., Cho, I. K., Kim, K., Kim, C., Park, C. H. K., Yi, K. & Chung, S. (2022). Discrepancy between desired time in bed and desired total sleep time, insomnia, depression, and dysfunctional beliefs about sleep among the general population. Psychiatry Investigation, 19(4), 281-288.
Maji, S., Bansod, S. & Singh, T. (2022). Domestic violence during COVID‐19 pandemic: The case for Indian women. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 32(3), 374-381.
Mas’udah, S. (2023). Power relations of husbands and wives experiencing domestic violence in dual-career families in Indonesia. Millennial Asia, 14(1), 5-27.
Michau, L. & Namy, S. (2021). SASA! Together: An evolution of the SASA! approach to prevent violence against women. Evaluation and Program Planning, 86, 101918.
Mohseni Tabrizi, A. R., Kaldi, A. R. & Javadianzadeh, M. (2013). The study of domestic violence in marrid women addmitted to Yazd legal medicine organization and welfare organization. Tolooebehdasht, 11(3), 11-24. (In Persian)
Nasir, M., Farzad, V., Sepah Mansour, M., Hasani F. & Salehi, M. (2017). An examination of the rusbult investment model (Marital satisfaction, quality of alternative relationships, investment size, marital commitment and marital relationship persistence), on women on the verge of divorce. Journal of Social Work Research4(12), 81-106. (In Persian)
Pirabbas, M. H. & Manesh, N. E. (2022). Effectiveness of positive cognitive-behavioral therapy on  sexual dysfunctional beliefs and quality of life in people with a substance abuse tendency. Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 1-6.
Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Sampogna, G., Albert, U., Carmassi, C., Carrà, G., ... & Fiorillo, A. (2022). The impact of Covid-19 on unemployment across Italy: Consequences for those affected by psychiatric conditions. Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 59-66.
Rahimi, F., Atashpuor, H. & Golparvar, M. (2019). Divorce prediction based on individual beliefs of personality, basic needs and traps of life. Knowledge & Research in Applied Psychology20(2), 13-23. (In Persian)
Schreiber, J. B., Nora, A., Stage, F. K., Barlow, E. A. & King, J. (2006). Reporting structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis results: A review. The Journal of Educational Research, 99(6), 323-338.
Shahsiah, M. (2009). On the relationship between sexual satisfaction and marital commitment among couples in Shahreza City, Central part of Iran. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health11(43), 233-238. (In Persian)
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