Narrative analysis of women's emotional work in the first year of marriage in Isfahan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Profesor asistente, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, University of Isfahan

2 univecity esfahan


Women work on their emotions and adjust them to the new relationship in the first year of marriage. The purpose of this study is to discover the emotional work of 20 women in Isfahan. We will adopt Arley Hochshild theory on emotion and use narrative inquiry of Algirdas Julien Greimas . Findings show that women try to achieve a good life. They perform both self-directed emotional work and other-based one in the first year of marriage. "Self-directed emotional work" is often done with an inner motivation and with the aim of improving the quality of marriage, overcoming a crisis, creating satisfaction, self-reflection and constructive interaction with others, and the help of helpers is widely used." Other-based emotional work" is always done with an inner force and with the aim of making a conscious change, the desire to be recognized and to fall into a blissful trance, and rarely is there any trace of the helpers and opponents. There are some reasons that lead women to emotional work include the power structure in the family, the lack of some skills and abilities in women, and women's agency in shaping and integrating the family


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