Comparison of Communication patterns, self-efficacy and assertiveness at teenage girls with self-mutilation and normal group

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of the whole counselling department of Mohaghegh Ardabili University.

2 (Corresponding Author),PhD Student in Counseling, Mohaghegh Ardabili University

3 Master of Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch.


This study aimed to compare communication patterns, self-efficacy and assertiveness in adolescent girls with the self-harming and normal group. This was a causal-comparative (case-control) study that was performed retrospectively. The statistical population of the present study included all-female high school students in Anzali city in the academic year 1397-1398 and also adolescents referred to the emergency department of Anzali hospital. The sample size was 60 people (30 students with self-harming behaviour, 30 students without self-harming behaviour) who were selected by the convenience sampling. Data collection tools included Scherer and Maddox self-efficacy scale, Gambrill and Ritchie audacity questionnaire, and Barton communication skills. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the mean scores of communication patterns and all its components (listening pattern, feedback pattern and verbal pattern), self-efficacy and assertiveness at teenage girls have less self-harming behaviour than girls with normal behaviour. The results showed that the level of studied variables in adolescent girls with self-harming behaviour was low, which requires educational programs to increase and improve the level of these variables in this group of adolescents.
Adolescence is one of the most important and influential stages of change in the life of every person and is the basis of many high-risk behaviours and social harms in this period. One of these risky behaviours is self-mutilation behaviours that are more common in adolescence than other periods of life. Self-mutilation is an inappropriate coping method for dealing with emotional problems, anger, and failure. Multiple risk factors are involved in adolescent self-mutilation, the most important of which are communication patterns. Communication patterns among adolescents are one of the important factors in preventing or tending towards high-risk behaviours. Beliefs of self-efficacy and behavioural changes and consequences are highly correlated with each other, and self-efficacy is a very important predictor of behaviour. Accordingly, when a person has a negative assessment of his or her abilities and competencies in different situations, he/she engages in self-injurious behaviours such as self-mutilation. Also, the results of research on high-risk behaviours have pointed to the role of individual characteristics such as the degree of the courage of individuals. Lack of non-daring traits causes discomfort and prevents the expression of emotions in social situations, as well as prevents the pursuit of individual and social goals.
Research goal
Since the phenomenon of self-mutilation is costly for the country's health system and on the other hand is not compatible with human values and cultural standards, a more detailed study of the issue seems necessary. Therefore, the present study was conducted in this direction to answer the basic question: Is there a difference between communication patterns, self-efficacy and courage in adolescent girls with self-mutilation ing and normal behaviour?
Research Method
This research is of causal-comparative type. The statistical population of the present study included all females high school students in Shahr Anzali in the academic year 2019-2020 and also adolescents referred to the emergency department of Anzali hospital. The sampling method of the present study was available according to which 30 girls with self-mutilation ing behaviour and 30 non-self-mutilation ing behaviour were selected to compare students with self-mutilation ing behaviour with relative matching in terms of age and educational level. To collect data in this study, Scherer and Maddox self-efficacy scale (1982), Gambrill and Ritchie daring questionnaire (1975) and Barton communication skills scale (1991) was used.
To analyze the data collected in the descriptive statistics section, the mean and standard deviation and in the inferential statistics, section to analyze the hypotheses, multivariate analysis of variance was used, for which the SPSS 19 statistical software was used.
Based on research findings, the average scores of communication patterns and all its components (listening pattern, feedback pattern and verbal pattern) in adolescent girls with self-mutilation ing behaviour are lower than normal girls(P<0/01).
Based on the results of multivariate analysis of variance, the mean scores of self-efficacy and courage in adolescent girls with self-mutilation ing behaviour are lower than normal girls (P<0/01).
This study aimed to compare communication patterns, self-efficacy and courage in adolescent girls with self-mutilation ing and normal behaviour. The results showed that the mean scores of communication patterns and all its components (listening pattern, feedback pattern and verbal pattern) in adolescent girls with self-mutilation ing behaviour are lower than normal girls. When adolescents can communicate with friends, family and other members of the community using appropriate communication patterns, they cope better and more effectively with the psychological pressures of life due to receiving support from them, which reduces their self-mutilation.
The results also showed that the mean scores of self-efficacy in adolescent girls with self-mutilation ing behaviour are lower than normal girls. People with high self-efficacy have the high problem-solving ability, they focus on their problem-solving abilities in difficult situations and seek solutions instead of negative ones. Also, high levels of self-efficacy are associated with a greater ability to cope with high-risk and harmful behaviours.
Finally, the results showed that the average score of assertiveness in adolescent girls with self-mutilation ing behaviour is lower than normal girls. Adolescents with low self-esteem are often unable to defend themselves in the face of challenging situations and others; For this reason, they are often passive, anxious and cowardly, and instead of expressing their wants and needs, they try to advance their desires by harming themselves.


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