Predictive role of demographic and psychological factors in sexual satisfaction of women after 40 years

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, I.R. Iran.


Sexual satisfaction is a key factor in the quality of married life that is influenced by different factors in different periods. Although sexual satisfaction has been considered in many studies, the role of psychological and demographic variables in maintaining sexual satisfaction in women after the age of 40 is not very clear. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the predictive role of demographic and psychological factors affecting sexual satisfaction in women after 40 years. The present study was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. 365 healthy women in the age range of 40 to 65 years completed a battery of validated questionnaires that included demographic questionnaire, Sexual Satisfaction Scale (1981), Mindfulness Scale (2006) and body image concern scale (2005). Pearson correlation, multivariate regression and independent t-test were used to analyze the research data. The results of Pearson correlation showed that the relationship between age (r = -0.208, P <0.001), duration of marital life (r = -0.264, P <0.001), mindfulness (r = 0.425, P <0.001) and concern about body image (r = 0.297, P <0.001) is significant with sexual satisfaction. Multiple linear regression results showed that duration of marital life (B = -0.58, P <0.001), mindfulness (B = 0.503, P <0.001) and body image concern (B = -0.237, P <0.001) can predict sexual satisfaction and explain 29.8% of the variance of female sexual satisfaction. Independent t-test also showed that sexual satisfaction in non-postmenopausal women was significantly higher than postmenopausal women (P <0.01). The present study showed that sexual satisfaction in women after 40 years of age has a significant relationship with psychological factors (i.e., mindfulness and body image). It is suggested that counselors and psychologists in the field of sexuality use the findings of this study in designing therapeutic interventions to promote the sexual satisfaction of women after the age of 40.
Sexual Satisfaction, Psychological, Demographic, Mindfulness, Body image, Women.
 One of the important aspects that is often overlooked in the middle-aged and elderly population is sexual satisfaction (Losti-Narsiman and Beard, 2013). Sexual satisfaction is a part of human sexuality that is known as the last stage of the sexual response cycle (Dell Sánchez-Fuentes et al., 2014) and as an emotional response arising from positive and negative mental evaluations of sexual intercourse (Besharat and Rafizadeh, 2016). Women's sexual function changes during periods of life, especially during periods of reproduction and ageing (Clayton and Harsh, 2016). Many studies have shown that sexual function decreases with age (Mernone et al., 2019).
 This study aimed to investigate the role of demographic factors (such as age, menopausal status and duration of marriage), mindfulness and body image in predicting sexual satisfaction of women after the age of 40 in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province.
 The present study was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. The study population included married women aged 40 to 60 years living in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. According to Cochran's formula, 384 people were selected as the research sample. The health status reported by the participants was used as inclusion criteria. Subjects who reported a healthy physical condition and did not currently have a physical illness or a chronic or acute mental disorder were used as a research sample. Data collection tools included a demographic questionnaire, Hudson et al.'s sexual satisfaction scale (1981), Wallach et al.'s (2006) mindfulness questionnaire, and Littleton et al.'s image anxiety questionnaire (2005).
 Pearson correlation, multivariate regression and independent t-test were used to analyze the research data. The results of Pearson correlation showed that the relationship between age (r = -0.208, P <0.001), Duration of marital life (r = -0.264, P <0.001), mindfulness (r = 0.425, P <0.001) and concern about body image (r = 0.297, P <0.001) is significant with sexual satisfaction. Multiple linear regression results showed that duration of marital life (B = -0.58, P <0.001), mindfulness (B = 0.503, P <0.001) and body image concern (0.237 - = B, P <0.001(can predict sexual satisfaction and explain 29.8% of the variance of female sexual satisfaction. Independent t-test also showed that sexual satisfaction in non-postmenopausal women was significantly higher than postmenopausal women (P <0.01).
Discussion and Conclusion
 The present study showed that there is an indirect relationship between age and sexual satisfaction. This finding is consistent with many previous studies. Changes in the reproductive system occur with age. With increasing age in women, vaginal symptoms such as vaginal dryness appear as a sign of vaginal atrophy due to decreased mucus production from the glands of the vaginal wall. These changes seem to reduce women's sexual function, which in turn can be a factor in reducing their sexual satisfaction. Regarding menopausal status and its role in sexual satisfaction, the findings showed that postmenopausal women had less sexual satisfaction than non-menopausal women. This finding is consistent with part of the research literature. According to longitudinal studies, menopause is associated with certain aspects of sexual function. This study showed that sexual satisfaction can be predicted based on some psychological factors, namely mindfulness and concern about body image. According to the present study, more mindful people reported more sexual satisfaction. This finding is consistent with previous studies (Brotto & Basson, 2014). Explaining this finding, it can be said that mindful people (especially during sexual intercourse) can create a harmony between the physiological aspects and mental sexual arousal and this coordination can have a wide positive effect on women's sexual experiences (Arora, & Brotto, 2017). This study showed that the relationship between body image anxiety and sexual satisfaction is negative. This finding is consistent with previous research (Gadassi et al., 2016). Explaining this finding, it can be said that women who have a positive body image are less worried about being viewed from a sexual partner's point of view during unattractive physical intimacy. The absence of these worries can prevent mental conflict about the body that is a barrier to positive sexual experiences and facilitate sexual satisfaction (Carvalheira, Godinho, & Costa, 2017). The findings of this study have practical implications. The association between psychological factors such as mindfulness and body image with sexual satisfaction in middle-aged women suggests potential starting points through which they can enhance sexual function. Psychotherapy strategies can help improve women's sexual satisfaction after the age of 40 by targeting these aspects.


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