A Study of Relationship Between Managerial Roles and Personality Traits of Women in Islamic Teachings

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Ian, Dr_m.ayat@yahoo.com

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran, mollaei@pnu.ac.ir

3 Ms. in Management. Department of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran, efjavamfekr67@gmail.com

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Irans. Corresponding Author: shafiei@pnu.ac.ir


In the present age, ignoring the problems of women is in fact a deviation from the path of sustainable development. Women as a part of human capital and nurturers of today and the next generation are considered as an effective factor in advancing development goals in society and, therefore, while strengthening women's participation in all levels of society, their potential should be used in all levels of management and planning in society. This research aims to identify the relation between management roles and the personality characteristics of women based on Islamic teachings. The statistical population of this study consists of 200 female managers in government organizations in Khorasan Razavi province. Finally, 143 people were studied using a simple random sampling method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, and the validity of the structure was examined through factor analysis. The analysis of the research data was carried out by structural equations modelling using the SPSS software. The findings of this study showed that all personality traits of women, including faith in God, kindness, emotionality, high tolerance, high public relations, flexibility, risk-taking and self-confidence, have a positive and significant relationship with the managerial roles.
Key Words:
 Management roles, Personality characteristics of women, Islamic teaching
Women's management, has been considered one of the most important issues both in developing and developed countries, by experts from different perspectives. International agencies also pay special attention to the situation of women in different countries. Therefore, women’s issues especially their participation in the decision-making process and presence in top management have been taken into account (Jafarnejad and Esfidani, 2005). Although many countries have made significant progress with assigning top management to women, most Iranian governmental organizations tend to appoint men to managerial positions (Esfidani, 2002). Nowadays, one reason for the increase in the number of women in leadership positions is that modeling successful female managers increase the productivity of other female employees (Holdan et al., 2018). Generally, many inequalities exist between men and women in every society, especially in business marketplaces and job management (Moeinian, 1396).
Women are the key to the growth and development in developing countries. Today, women’s full participation in all fields, including their empowerment and equality-based decision-making and community management is a prerequisite for sustainable development, something that our country desperately needs.
On the other hand, take leadership positions not just increases women's confidence when confronted with discriminations like unequal employment, unequal wages, unequal professional training opportunities, unequal access to productive resources, and unequal professional growth, but it also increases self-confidence to gain an independent identity, status, and growth which benefits entire society (Zidane 2008). Progress and development of any society depend on the evolvement of the society’s management system. If the leadership styles are appropriate and leaders have ideal personality traits, they can guarantee employees’ mental health, keep the organization dynamic and strengthen it as a solid mountain (Haqqani et al. 2010).
Islamic management also emphasizes personality traits and pays special attention to women. Considered as one of the important indicators of gender development and women's empowerment is women's participation in major decisions of the country as well as their presence in leadership positions. Despite numerous plans in this area, the presence of women in leadership positions is not yet prominent and women seem to face some challenges in career development and promotion (Esfidani ، 1384). In Iran, women make up almost half of the population. The glorious presence of women in the formation and continuation of the Islamic Republic and extensive participation in economic, social, cultural, scientific, political, and managerial fields show the enthusiasm and commitment of this great and valuable force in the labor market and shows that their effort and activity equals to men and even surpasses. However, the proportion of women in managerial and decision-making positions is much lower than that of men. As a result, their share of political, economic, cultural managerial roles is not comparable to the share of men. And yet from the Islamic point of view, women enjoy equal access to all human rights and privileges. In the divine system, the basis of Islamic management is social relations and meritocracy with divine characteristics.To gain development, women, like everyone else in such systems, must be involved in leadership positions in various fields. (Babaian et al., 2014). Meanwhile, the main issue is women's access to management tools, and research on management roles suitable for women to gradually prepare them for top-level managerial positions in the country. In Iran, increasing the potential of women in social and economic fields requires a change in the social attitude towards women and a shift in thinking that governs the country's macro-planning and policy-making system, which requires access to comprehensive information and scientific analysis of the potentials of women in Iran (Esfidani, 2002).
So, considering the need for paving the way for women's greater participation in policy-making, management, and planning in the society, and the importance of examining women's personality traits from the perspective of Islamic teachings in governmental organizations, the question is, what do managerial roles have to do with women's personality traits based on Islamic teachings?
This is a descriptive survey since it describes the roles of managers as well as their personality traits and examines the impact of these traits on the performance of managerial roles by women. The statistical population of the study included 200 women in managerial roles in Khorasan Razavi province and among them, 150 individuals were selected based on the Cochran formula using a simple random sampling method.
To clarify the theoretical background, the collecting library information method was used. To develop questions for the first part, a standard questionnaire was used to measure the effectiveness of human resource management adapted from Beach et al., 2016, and for the second part, the standard questionnaire was used for personality traits adapted from Neo, 2016. This study used a 35-item standard questionnaire, which assessed managerial roles with 11 questions and women's personality traits with 24 questions. To confirm the reliability of the questionnaire all components were examined using the Cronbach alpha test.
The general hypothesis of this study was to investigate the relationship between managerial roles and women's personality traits in governmental organizations in Khorasan Razavi province, which was confirmed. Simply put, strengthening the expressed characteristics such as faith in God, kindness, emotionality, high resilience, high public relations, self-confidence, flexibility, and risk-taking are found to have a positive influence on succession in the managerial role that women play.
In the so-called technological age, organizations increasingly need the expertise and wisdom of managers, and organizations gain efficiency and effectiveness under the guidance of dedicated active managers. Managers’ behavior comes from both organizational and personality dimensions. Depending on the individual differences that prevail between human beings, different personalities are formed. A person’s personality traits lead him to adopt appropriate behavior in a particular situation. This basically means, to have scientific intelligence and expertise, managers must have a sound personality. In this case, he will enjoy the workflow and will do everything honestly, and combines creativity in his work. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between managerial roles and personality traits of women based on Islamic teachings (studied by governmental organizations in Khorasan Razavi province).
In general, it can be said that the nature of development without the participation of women in various social spheres won’t be achievable. The traditional misconceptions about women's empowerment are due to some neglect of women’s rights,  and better goals can be achieved by investing, planning, and providing opportunities for more participation of this segment of society in the social sphere.
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Sharifi,S., Salimi, GH.A., & Ahmadi, S.A.(2010). A Study of the Relationship Between the Personality Characteristics and the Organizational Commitment of the Principals and Teachers of Elementary, Secondary and High schools of Khansar, Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 1( 4),81-106[Text in Persian].
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Adibmanesh,M., Mohhamadi,Z., Noori,A., Albokordi,S., & Taheri,M. (2008). The relationship of Big five personality factors and Leadership styles with Productivity among school principals in educational Services .Quarterly Journal of Psychological Studies,9(2), 83-102 [Text in Persian].
Ahmadi, M .(2015). The relationship between managerial characteristics from the Islamic point of view and productivity in government organizations, Journal of Islamic Management, 23 (2),103-119[Text in Persian].
Alvani,M., Memarzadeh,GH., & Shahba , S .(2017). The Effect of Cognitive Emotion Regulation on Job Satisfaction.Management Studies in Development and Evolution,26(85),1-29. [Text in Persian].
Babaeian,A., Samani, Y.,  & Karami,Z.(2014).The Survey on the relationship between personality traits and job performance of Naja duties ranks , NAJA Human Resources Journal,9(37),9-27. [Text in Persian]
Babainejad, A., Shams Al-Dini, S., Ahmadianfar,R., & Hoseininasab,A.(2014) The role of women in management from the perspective of Islam, The third annual national conference on modern management sciences, Gorgan, Golestan Scientific and Professional Association of Managers and Accountants, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul Branch[Text in Persian].
Bech, P., Carrozzino, D., Austin, S. F., Møller, S. B., & Vassend, O. (2016). Measuring euthymia within the Neuroticism Scale from the NEO Personality Inventory: a Mokken analysis of the Norwegian general population study for scalability. Journal of Affective Disorders193, 99-102.
Esfidani , M.R. (2002). Obstruction of Women’s Management.Women in Development and Politics, 1(4) 67-85[Text in Persian].
Farhangi, A., Bazargan, A., Tabibi, S. J., & Navipoor, H. (2011). Moral and personal characteristics of hospital managers in interpersonal relationships: a qualitative approach. Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 4 (1 and 2) ,42-55. [Text in Persian] http://ijme.tums.ac.ir /article-1-190-fa.html
Gholamzadeh,D., Haghshenase Kashan,F., & Mohammadkhani,F.(2015) . The influence of leadership style on the womens’ glass ceiling beliefs, Quarterly  Journal of Women's Studies Sociological and Psychological, 13(3),175-197.[Text in Persian].
Haggani, M., Azizi, H.,  & Rasoolinezhad ,A.H. (2010). The Effect of Management Styles and Managers’ Personality Features on the Psychological Health of the Employees of State Organizations and Offices in Tehran,  Journal of Productivity Management, 4, 2 (13),163-188[Text in Persian].
Halldén, K., Säve-Söderbergh, J., & Rosén, Å. (2018). Gender of the immediate manager and women's wages: The importance of managerial position. Social science research, 72, 115-133.
Ja'farnejad,A., &  Esfidani, M.R.(2005). Women's Situation in Management and Employment The case of Iran, Quarterly  Journal of Women's Studies Sociological and Psychological, 3(7), 77-103[Text in Persian].
Jafarigol,M., Safavi,M., Zare,M .(2016). Investigating the relationship between authoritarian leadership style and personality traits of nursing managers of hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2014-2015, Medical Sciences Journal of Islamic Azad Univesity - Tehran Medical Branch, 26 (4)238-247[Text in Persian].
Khalatbari,H,Sedarat,F.(2014). The personality traits of the manager from the perspective of Quran and Nahjul Balagha, Seraje Monir Journal, 5 (16)87-105[Text in Persian].
Kreitner, R., Kinicki, A., & Buelens, M. (1999). Organizational Behaviour (First European Edition). Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
Luthans, F. (1988), Successful VS. Effective Managers. The Academy of Management Executive, 2 (2)127-132.
Masoudi, A., Jahandideh, S. (2018). The role and position of women in the administrative system and management of the country, Quarterly Journal of Administrative Transformation, , 1 (57) 70-90[Text in Persian].
Moeinian,N.(2017). Sociological Study of Language differences between men and women,The journal of Sociological Study , 23(9), 83-93[Text in Persian].
Nasr Isfahani, A., Farrokhi, M., & Amiri, Z. (2012), The effect of good character of managers on employee happiness based on Islamic teachings, Journal of Islamic management , 20( 20) 61-79[Text in Persian].
Pierce, Jon L., & Gardner, D. G. (2018). Relationships of personality and job characteristics with organization based self esteem, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24 (5), 392-409.
Raeissi ,P., Nasiripour,A.A., Rostami, L.,&  Khalesi, N.(2008). The Relation between Manager's Personality Traits and Entrepreneurship in Health Care Organizations affiliated with Tabriz University of Medical Sciences; 2007, Journal of Health Administration, 11( 33), 57-62[Text in Persian].
Rezaei,L.,& Saatchi ,M.(2009). The Relationship between Leadership styles with Organizational Commitment among the Employees of Iran Telecomunication Company. Journal of Instruction and Evaluation,6 (6)99-117[Text in Persian].
Roy, S., Sethuraman, R., & Saran, R. (2016). The effect of demographic and personality characteristics on fashion shopping proneness: A study of the Indian market. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,44(4), 426-447.
Sepasi,S., & Abdoli,L. (2016). Effect of Managers’ Gender on Conditional Conservatism. Quarterly  Journal of Women's Studies Sociological and Psychological, 14 (1)129-154[Text in Persian].
Shamsaei, F., Davoodabadi, Z.,&  Sadeghi ,A.(2015). personality' managers nurse between Relationship style leadership their and characteristics, Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management, 4(1), 9-17[Text in Persian].
Sharifi,S., Salimi, GH.A., & Ahmadi, S.A.(2010). A Study of the Relationship Between the Personality Characteristics and the Organizational Commitment of the Principals and Teachers of Elementary, Secondary and High schools of Khansar, Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 1( 4),81-106[Text in Persian].
Shoara,Z.(2011). Teachings of management in the Quran, journal of educational administration research quarterly, Special letter of management, 2(7) 175-188[Text in Persian].
Weiss, J. W. (2001). Organizational behavior and change managing diversity, gross cultural dynamic and ethic. (2nd.Ed). South-Western College, U.S.: Thomson learning.