Evaluating the Impact of Cultural and Social Factors on Women's Entrepreneurship in Tehran Municipality Entrepreneurship Houses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor; Information Technology Research Department (IranDoc). Corresponding Author: ershadi@irandoc.ac.ir

2 Expert at Iran Institute of Information Science and Technology (IranDoc). rezaee@irandoc.ac.ir

3 M.S in Entrepreneurship Management, New Business Orientation, Islamic Azad University, Electronic Branch. rbagheri60@yahoo.com


In developing countries, women are the first hope for family development, growth, and development in their own countries. This research was conducted to evaluate the impact of cultural and social factors on women entrepreneurship in Tehran's municipality's entrepreneurial homes. The statistical population includes 30 municipal entrepreneurial houses in Tehran, each with 100 entrepreneurs. Morgan table was used to determine the sample size, estimated at 265 people. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient test was used to measure the reliability of the research instrument. The findings showed that three variables of social and cultural factors affect women's entrepreneurship, which entered the regression equation over the three stages. In the first step, the individual and personality traits entered the regression equation and its coefficient was 248/0. In the second step, the association with women's associations entered the regression equation, whose coefficient was equal to 9,377; in the third step, the role model entered the equation, which was equal to 339/0. From these relationships, it can be concluded that cultural and social factors have a far more important impact than entrepreneurs on other variables.
Entrepreneurship- Women's Entrepreneurship- Socio-cultural evaluation- Municipal Entrepreneurship Homes
Throughout history, women have worked alongside men and made up a significant portion of the human capital of production in rural and urban areas. The significant increase in the number of working women is an undeniable fact of Iranian society. However, a small number of employed women are entrepreneurs (Karimi et al., 2013). Meanwhile, recognizing the women’s abilities and guiding their creative talents can be effective in using the potentials of this large segment of society (Maleki, 1998: 22). In this way, not only can we recognize various constraints and limitations of women entrepreneurs, but also figure out the existing measures and facilities that can be studied to remove the obstacles.
Providing citizens with basic and economic opportunities to express creative and entrepreneurial business ideas is one of the approaches of Tehran Municipality. So that along with playing a facilitating role in urban entrepreneurship, by creating job opportunities, will take a serious step in supporting the lower-class society.
This study aims to evaluate the impact of socio-cultural factors on women's entrepreneurship in entrepreneurship houses of Tehran Municipality. In addition, this study seeks to examine individual characteristics and socio-cultural factors on the entrepreneurship rate of women entrepreneurs.
This is a survey research for which the statistical population included active entrepreneurship houses in Tehran, (N = 3000). The Morgan table was used to determine the sample size, estimating the required sample size at 265 people, of whom 250 questionnaires were collected.
The results revealed that for the relationship variable, cultural activities in entrepreneurship are very important. Also, the relationship and acquaintances with women entrepreneurs affect women. Despite the appropriateness of women's associations, active participation in these associations is not a high priority for women. The role model variable with a coefficient of 0.339 showed that innovation and income increase are very important for women entrepreneurs. According to entrepreneurs, innovation increases theire income.
The results showed that “I like hard work”, “Success in work and life (success) is important to me”, I like cooperation and teamwork” are the first three priorities of individual and professional characteristics of entrepreneurs. In terms of social attitudes, “I am a strict and unforgiving person”, “I have a high level of commitment”, and “I prefer to work with others instead of competing with them” are the last three. Therefore, it can be concluded that entrepreneurs aim to succeed in their lives and strive to achieve this success. They also have good social relationships and try to be gentle and responsible in their social interactions.
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Al-Qasim, A., Zarnegarian., & Zarei (2011), The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Promoting Entrepreneurial Capacity as Part of General Employment Policies, The First National Conference on Education in Iran 1404, Tehran, Research Institute for Science, Technology and Industry Policy. [Text in Persian]
Ahmadpour Dariani, M., Nikobin, Hussein., & Karimi, A. (1390). Factors affecting entrepreneurship development in Zanjan agricultural technical and engineering consulting services companies. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, (4), 546-535. [Text in Persian]
Amini, A., & Hosseini Machak, S. Sh. (1396). Identifying The Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Intelligence of Women Entrepreneurs: Qualitative Studies Using Contractual Content Analysis. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 10(2), 359-374. doi: 10.22059 / jed.2017.231501.652190. [Text in Persian]
Arasti, Z. (2006). Socio-cultural structures effective in creating entrepreneurial businesses. Women in development and politics, 14, 93-120. [Text in Persian]
Barboto, J., & Denartino, L. (2002). Studies of Women Entrepreneurship, Journal of Management studies, 50(2), 69-78.
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Bosma, N. S., Stam, E., & Wennekers, S. (2011). Intrapreneurship versus independent entrepreneurship: A cross-national analysis of individual entrepreneurial behavior. Discussion Paper Series/Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute11(4).‏
De V. Cavalcanti, T. V., & Tavares, J. (2008). Assessing the “Engines of Liberation”: home appliances and female labor force participation. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(1), 81-88.
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Hay, R. P., Bygrave, M., & Camp, W. M. (2006). SM, “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, executive Report”. Babson College. Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, London Business school, P4-5. ‏
Hezar Jaribi, J. (2004) Entrepreneurship, First Edition, Tehran: Economic Affairs Research Institute Publications. [Text in Persian]
Iacobucci, D., & Rosa, P. (2010). The growth of business groups by habitual entrepreneurs: The role of entrepreneurial teams. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice34(2), 351-377. ‏
Karimi Moghari, Z., Nazifi Naini, M., & Abbaspour, S. (2013). Economic factors affecting women's employment in Iran. Women’s Studies Sociological and Psychological, 11(3). [Text in Persian]
Karimi, S., Biemans, H. J., Lans, T., Chizari, M., Mulder, M., & Mahdei, K. N. (2013). Understanding role models and gender influences on entrepreneurial intentions among college students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 204-214.
Karimzadeh, M. (2019). A study of barriers to entrepreneurship of Baluch women in Saravan. Women’s Studies Sociological and Psychological, 17(2). [Text in Persian]
Khodadad Hosseini, S. H., & Shafiee Rudpashti, M. (2013). Investigating the effect of emotional intelligence on students' entrepreneurial orientation: with emphasis on gender and ethnic characteristics.  Development Process Management, 26(2), 96-117. [Text in Persian]
Komaei, R., & Afshari, Z. (2017). Determinants of women's labor force participation in selected countries (Panel Analysis). Women’s Studies Sociological and Psychological, 15(1), 49-77. [Text in Persian]
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Momayez, A., Ghasemi, S. A., & Ghasemi, S. F. (2013). Study of effective factors in the development of women entrepreneurship. Technology Growth, 9(35), 15 - 22. [Text in Persian]
Mardanshahi, M. M., & Nezam Zade. S. E. (2015). Analysis of factors affecting rural women entrepreneurship. Women’s Studies Sociological and Psychological, 12(4), 7-42. [Text in Persian]
Nawaz, F. (2009). Critical factors of women entrepreneurship development in rural Bangladesh. ‏
Nawabakhsh, M., & Zarea, M. (2009). A study of women's entrepreneurship in production centers in Tehran and suburbs. Journal of Cultural Management, 4(1), 1-23. [Text in Persian]
Nazarian, Z., & Haddadi Moghaddam, K. (2014). Investigating the factors affecting the growth of entrepreneurship in small businesses (SMEs) based on knowledge located in the Science and Technology Park of Guilan province. Journal of Industry & University, 1(7), 5-18. [Text in Persian]
Norria, Z. (2016). Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition among Bumiputera SMEs entrepreneurs in Malaysia: The influential factors of social network, entrepreneurial alertness and creativity (Doctoral dissertation, Universiti Utara Malaysia).
Oriakhogba, D. O. (2020). Empowering rural women crafters in KwaZulu-Natal: The dynamics of intellectual property, traditional cultural expressions, innovation and social entrepreneurship. South African Law Journal137(1), 145-172. ‏
Poon, J. P., Thai, D. T., & Naybor, D. (2012). Social capital and female entrepreneurship in rural regions: Evidence from Vietnam. Applied Geography35(1-2), 308-315. ‏
Rijkers, B., & Costa, R. (2012). Gender and rural non-farm entrepreneurship. The World Bank. ‏
Roomi, M. A., & Parrott, G. (2008). Barriers to development and progression of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan. The Journal of Entrepreneurship17(1), 59-72. ‏
Roshannia, D., Khademi Shahrivar, R., & Ghouti, S. (2015). Challenges and social barriers to women entrepreneurship. Labor and Society, 188. [Text in Persian]
Rudhumbu, N., du Plessis, E. E., & Maphosa, C. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs in Botswana: revisiting the role of entrepreneurship education. Journal of International Education in Business. ‏
Faraji Sabokbar, H., Salmani, M., Hajari, B., & Torabi, Z. (2017). Spatial Analysis of Employment Patterns of Rural Women in Industrial Sector in Iran. Women's Studies Sociological and Psychological, 15(1), 73-94. doi: 10.22051/jwsps.2017.10948.1252. [Text in Persian]
Sabkbar, H. A. (1396). Factors affecting the employment of rural women in the industrial sector. Women’s Studies Sociological and Psychological, 15(1), 73-91. [Text in Persian]
Samad Aghaei, J. (2004). Entrepreneurial Organizations, Tehran: Public Management Training Center. [Text in Persian]
Sangolagi, K., & Alagawadi, K. (2016). Woman Entrepreneurs. International Journal of Advancement in Engineering Technology Management & Applied Science, 3(1), 216-222.
Sappleton, N. (2009). Women non‐traditional entrepreneurs and social capital. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. ‏
Simon, J, (2006) Entrepreneurship news. Journal of small Business Management, 14-18.
Soleimanpour, M. R., & Hosseini, S. M. (2013). A Comparative Study of Graduate Students' Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Agricultural Education (Case Study of Tehran Province). Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 1(1), 116-26. [Text in Persian]
Yaghoubi Farani, A., Soleimani, A., & Movahedi, R. (2015). Analysis of effective factors on rural women entrepreneurship. Women’s Studies Sociological and Psychological, 12 (4). [Text in Persian]
Zakaria, M., & Mokhtarpour, M. (2010). A Study of Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Women's Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Karaj. Social Sciences Research Journal, 3, 155-171. [Text in Persian]