Gender Differences in Students' Value System, Engagement, Social Competence, and Cognitive Styles

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Social Science and Development Studies, Women Research Center, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The value priorities of individuals are influenced by a variety of factors that affect individuals' social behaviors and actions. The present study was conducted to investigate gender differences in students' value system, Engagement, social competence, and cognitive styles. The statistical population of this study included all undergraduate students of the University of Tehran in the academic year 1397-98. The research sample was 150 male and female students of Tehran University who were selected by stratified random sampling. The value system questionnaire, the engagement of students’ scale belongs to Gunuc & Kuzu, Hart's competence perception, and the carton cognitive styles questionnaire were used to collect information. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. The results showed that male students scored higher on material values, cognitive competence, social competence, and physical competence. In using educational strategies and teaching methods, education professionals need to consider the gender and individual disparities of students based on physical, psychological, cultural, and spiritual aspects.
 Value System, Academic Engagement, Social Competence, Cognitive Styles, Students
Values ​​as social phenomena are one of the important characteristics of societies that form the cultural structure. Values ​​have short-term and long-term effects in various political and social dimensions, and recognizing them plays a very important role in identifying cultural developments (Saha and Sharma, 2019). The value system refers to the factors and elements that are respected by many of the individuals in society and that can meet their material and spiritual needs. According to some experts, this value system is categorized into primary or material values ​​related to the biological needs of individuals) and secondary or extra-material values ​​including social and moral values); In such a way that the general system of values ​​is affected by both types (Zare Shahabadi and Turkan, 2015). Zare Shahabadi and Turkan (2015) in a study aimed at investigating the relationship between the social security and youth value system of Yazd University students found that students have materialistic value priorities and there is no significant difference in materialistic and non-materialist value priorities of students based on age, sex, the field of study, marital status and socio-economic status. The feeling of social security also has a significant inverse correlation with material values ​​and a positive correlation with metamaterial values.
One of the most important and influential internal factors in this field is the cognitive style of individuals (Mokhtari, 2014). Cognitive style is a method by which the learner processes information and has different types, such as context-dependent and context-independent cognitive styles. In a study, Riazi, Ebrahimian Shiadeh, and Mousavi Amirabadi (2015) found that negative emotions and cognitive ability play an important role in predicting procrastination, explaining a total of 63 percent of the procrastination variance.
Over the last two decades, the academic conflict has attracted the attention of researchers and educators due to its comprehensiveness in explaining students' motivation and learning, as well as its ability in predicting students’ performance, progress, and success at school. (Lam et al., 2016). Research literature shows that there is a positive relationship between academic motivation and quality of learning and academic achievement (Gonius and Kozo, 2015). 
One of the components of self-concept is the perception of competence (Waters, Culpin, Van Dum and Verchern, 2015) which is the process of becoming aware of one's characteristics, type of relationships with others, feedback on events, capacities, and abilities (Harter, 1982). According to Harter (1982), the perception of competence includes five areas: academic competence (academic performance and intelligence), social acceptance (communication with peers), athletic competence (sports activities), physical competence (physical perception), and behavior (behavior with other people). 
This study is a fundamental post-event research (causal-comparative) that was conducted retrospectively. In terms of time, this survey is cross-sectional, and in terms of depth, it is an expansive type, the data of which have been collected using a questionnaire. The statistical population of this study includes all male and female undergraduate students of the University of Tehran. In this study, the faculties were divided into four main categories: humanities, basic sciences, technology, and art. A sample of 150 people (75 girls and 75 boys) was selected using stratified random sampling based on gender and field of study. The mean age of the sample group was 22.58 for boys with a standard deviation of 3.01 and 22.41 with a standard deviation of 2.58 in the age range of 18 to 30 years. Moral licenses are obtained according to the ethical standards of each faculty. The students were classified based on their gender and field of study and responded to the Value System Questionnaire (VSQ) of Zare et al. (2015), Student Achievement (SES) Gonius and Cozo (2015), Harter (1982) Competence Perception (1982) and Carton (KAI) Curton (1967).
Based on the results of the Manova test, material values ​​(η² = 0.42, P <0.001, F = 25.231), cognitive competence (η² = 0.31, 0.001, P, F = 11/330), social competence (η = 0.38, P <0.001, F = 15,943), physical competence (η = 0.34, P <0.001, F = 1.134) male students obtained higher scores whilst in the components of cognitive enthusiasm (η = 0.28, P <0.05, F = 779.8), relationship with peers (emotional passion I) (η² = 0.32, P <0.001, F = 12.051 (1 and 148) ), behavioral desire (η² = 0.35, / 001 P> 0, F = 25.216), academic enthusiasm (η² = 0.39, P <0.001, F = 113) and modernist / researcher cognitive style (37 / 0 = η², P <0.001, F = 18.354 ) female students obtained higher scores. Also there was no different between the study groups in the components of metamaterial values, socio-psychological passion, relation with professors (university staff), and modernist/acceptor cognitive style. 

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Bryson, C., & Hand, L. (2007). The role of engagement in inspiring teaching and learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(4), 349–362.
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Main Subjects

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 Arabpour, S., Khosravi, A., & Sarami, G. (2018). A study of gender difference in early maladaptive schemas and coping styles: a schema-focused approach. Women Social and Psychological Studies, 16(1), 43-68. [Text in Persian]
Adomako, S.Danso, A.Uddin, M., & Damoah, J. O. (2016). Entrepreneurs’ optimism, cognitive style and persistence. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22(1), 84-108.
Alrashidi, O., Phan, H. P., & Ngu, B. H. (2016). Academic engagement: an overview of its definitions, dimensions, and major conceptualisations. International Education Studies, 9(12), 41-52.
 Barghi Irani,  Z., Begian koolemarzi, M. J., Moradi, A., & Nejati, N. (2019).
Confirmatory factor structure and psychometric characteristics of multidimensional student engagement scale (SES). Educational and Scholastic Studies, 8(21), 113-142. [Text in Persian]
Baltussen, R., Jansen, M. P. M., Bijlmakers, L., Grutters, J., Kluytmans, A., Reuzel, R. P., ... & van der Wilt, G. J. (2017). Value assessment frameworks for HTA agencies: the organization of evidence-informed deliberative processes. Value in Health, 20(2), 256-260.
Bryson, C., & Hand, L. (2007). The role of engagement in inspiring teaching and learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(4), 349–362.
Camelo-Lavadores, A. K., Sanchez-Escobedo, P., & Pinto-Sosa, J. (2017). Academic self-efficacy of high achieving students in Mexico. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 6(2), 84-89.
Delavar, A. (2020). Theoretical and practical foundations of research in humanities and social sciences. Tehran: Roshd Publications: Seventeenth Edition, PP: 325. [Text in Persian]
Ghaedamini, A., Sadeqhzadeh, N., Ebrahimzadeh Dastjerdi, R., & Jafari Chaleshotari, H. (2018). The relationship between work-family conflict and value system of employees of Islamic Azad university, Shahrekord branch. Journal of Cultural Management, 11(38), 47-60. [Text in Persian]
Ghasemi, M., Badsar, M., Falahati, L., & Karami dehkordi, E. (2019). Investigating the mediation role of self-esteem and selfefficacy in analysis of the socio-cultural factors influencing rural women’s empowerment. Women Social and Psychological Studies, 17(2), 151-186. [Text in Persian]
Gray, M. (2017). How to get better value healthcare. Vol. 3rd Edition. Oxford Press.
Gunuc, S., & Kuzu, K. (2015). Student engagement scale: development, reliability and validity. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 40(4), 587-610.
Harter, S. (1982). The perceived competence scale for children. Child Development, 3(52), 87-97.
Hu, S., & Kuh, G. D. (2002). Being (dis) engaged in educationally purposeful activities: The influences of student and institutional characteristics. Research in higher education, 43(5), 555-575.
Ingelhart, R. (2000). Globalization and Postmodern Values. The Washington Quarterly, 23(1), 215-28.
Inglehart, R. (1980). Connections between Socioeconomic Conditions and Individual Value priorities. Kolner- Zeitschrift- fur- Soziologie- und- Sozial psychologie, 32, 44-153.
Jennifer, A. S., & lee, S. (2011). Perceived competence and subjective experience of nineth graders vs. Other high school students in science. Presented at the Annual of the American Educational Research Association.
Khademi, M., Sadat Kadkhodaei, M., & Abam, Z. (2016). Investigating the relationship of cognitive style with motivational, behavioral and cognitive aspects of information seeking in high school students. New Thoughts on Education, 12(3), 201-219. [Text in Persian]
Kahu, E. R. (2013). Framing student engagement in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 38(5), 758–773.
Kirton, M. J. (1999). Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory manual (3rd ed.). Berkhamsted, UK: Occupational Research Centre.
Krause, K.-L. (2005). “Engaged, Inert or Otherwise Occupied? Deconstructing the Twenty-first Century Undergraduate Student.” Paper presented at Symposium, Sharing Scholarship in Learning and Teaching: Engaging Students, James Cook University, Townsville, September.
Lam, S. F., Jimerson, S., Shin. H., Cefai, C., Veiga, F. H., Christou, C. H., Chroni, P. F., Kikas, E., Wong, B. P. H., Culescu, E. S., Basnett, J., Duck, R., Farrell, P., Liu, Y., Negovan, V., Nelson, B., Yang, H., & Tsch, J. Z. (2016). Cultural universality and specificity of student engagement in school: the results of an international study from 12 countries. Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 137–153.
Marsh, H.W., Martin, A. J., Yeung, A., & Craven, R. (in press, accepted February 2016). Competence self-perceptions. In A. J. Elliot., C. Dweck., & D. Yeager (Eds). Handbook of Competence and Motivation. New York: Guilford Press.
Mcinerney, D. M., Cheng, R. W., Mok, M. M. C., & Lam, A. K. H. (2012). Academic self-concept and learning strategies: direction of effect on student academic achievement. Journal of Advanced Academics, 23(3), 249-269.
Miceli, S., de Palo, V., Monacis, L., Cardaci, M., & Sinatra, M. (2018). The Italian version of the Cognitive Style Indicator and its association with decision-making preferences. Creativity Research Journal, 30, 85–94.
Mokhtari, H. (2014). A quantitative survey on the influence of students' epistemic beliefs on their general information seeking behavior. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 21(1), 58-67.
Mudd, S., (1986). Analytic review of research on the Kirton Adaption Innovation inventory (KAI). Social & Behavioural sciences Documents, 16, (2), (163 pages)
 Munkejord, M. C., Tingvold, L. (2019). Staff perceptions of competence in a multicultural nursing home in Norway. Social Science & Medicine, 232, 230-237.
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