Investigate the Relationship between Gender Inequality Perception and Social Well-being among Ilam's Women

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of demography, University of Tehran.

2 Professor, Department of demography, University of Tehran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of demography, University of Tehran.

4 Ph.D Student, Department of demography, University of Tehran.  Corresponding Author:


To investigate the health and wellbeing in the society more, the social wellbeing of Ilam's women and their perception of gender inequality was analyzed in this study. This is a survey research based on a cross-sectional design. the required information was collected by distributing questionnaire among 597 women in Ilam. The findings suggest that the participants had an high sense of gender inequality and average level of social well-being. The negative correlation between the social well-being and sense of gender inequality was significant. Stepwise regression analysis showed that economic, social and legal inequality entered the equation through three stages, and eventually explained almost 18 percent of the variation in the dependent variable of the social well-being.   


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