Clothing and its social meaning as a mediator of lifestyle

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Kurdistan.

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Kurdistan.

3 M.A in Sociology, University of Kurdistan.


The lifestyle reflects the preferences of individuals that appear in different aspects of leisure, music, clothing, makeup and etc. This study aims at looking deeply into the implications of girls' clothing in a particular social and cultural context in Shahindej city. This research, using a set of theories from thinkers like Baudrillard, Cheney and Fredstone, has attempted to offer a conceptual formulation for clothing.This research has been conducted with qualitative approach of Grounded theory in which,  in-depth interviews  and collaborative observations were used for data collection. The research sample is based on a combination of targeted sampling method (with maximum variability (and theoretical (with theoretical saturation standard) in which finally a sample of eighteen was selected. The number of concepts constructed at this stage is 274 major concepts, 28 central topics, 9 main categories and one core category. The main categories are: clothing as representation of identity, dress as play of signs, dress as representation of meta-reality, relativity of clothing, clothing and reconstruction of social values, clothing and management of will and pleasure, clothing and body management, clothing and representations of reference group and expression of resistance. The core category of the research is meaning of dress in presence of "significant others".


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