Investigating the impact of the role and dimensions of religion and distress tolerance in predicting the psychological safety of infertile women

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A in Family Counseling, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.


Women naturally have a desire for procreation and reproduction. Becoming a mother is one of their main needs, and women who are not naturally able to bear child will be involved with many personal and social problems. The present study aims was to investigate the effect of the role and dimensions of religion and distress tolerance in predicting the psychological safety of infertile women. The present study was a descriptive study of correlation type which was conducted on infertile women referred to Novin infertility center in Mashhad. To this end, 89 infertile women eligible to participate in the study were selected using available sampling. The research instruments were spiritual attitude (Shahidi and Farajnia, 2012), psychological security questionnaire (Maslow, 1952) and distress tolerance scale (Simmons and Gaher, 2005). Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis with SPSS and Lisrel software. The results showed that between two aspects of religion, the spiritual empowerment component, as well as the dimensions of distress tolerance, attraction and evaluation, can significantly predict mental security.
Religion and emotional distress tolerance affect psychological security of infertile women. Reliance on God and spiritual resources can increase people's psychological security and as a result, they have a greater sense of control and mastery of conditions.


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