The Moderating Role of Gender in the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Capital and Opportunity Recognition

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Masters in Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran


Knowledge about opportunity recognition and development is very important in an entrepreneur's success. Opportunity recognition is one of the main issues in entrepreneurship research. One of the most important factors influencing the process of opportunity recognition is the entrepreneurial capital, including economic capital, social capital and human capital. The aim of this paper is to analyze the moderating role of gender in the relation between entrepreneurial capital and opportunity recognition by using a descriptive survey research method. The tourism industry is chosen as the research context due to the potential entrepreneurial opportunities in this sector. The research sample was selected from 210 members of tourism association with experience in business management or business creation (110 people).  Due to the small number of samples, data was gathered form all 110 people by questionnaire. Data analysis on 82 questionnaires by PLS software showed that gender has the moderating role in the relation between social capital and opportunity recognition. Furthermore, gender has moderating role in the relation between human capital and opportunity recognition, however, it has no effect on the relation between

economic capital and opportunity recognition. The findings of this study could assist policymakers in promoting women's entrepreneurship development in tourism business sector.


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