The Study of the Relationship between Women's Social Demands and Inequality, Difference and Oppression (Case Study of Women in Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Alzahra University

2 Master's degree in women's studies, Women's rights trend in Islam from Alzahra University


Studying the different underlying reasons for the formation of social demands and the factors affecting them is among the most serious topics in examining women’s social demands. Simultaneously, identifying women's social demands is a major step in policymaking and planning in the women and family domain. In this paper, the relationship between women's social demands and the variables of difference, inequality and oppression is investigated. To this end, a sample of 400 women aged 25 to 55 living in Tehran is used. The research was conducted by a multi-stage cluster sampling and questionnaires were used to measure the inequality, difference and oppression as independent variables and social demands of women as dependent variable. Findings confirm the research hypotheses and show that inequality, difference and oppression have significant effects on women’s social demands. By increasing the variables of inequality, difference and oppression, the social demands of women increase significantly. Based on these findings, it is suggested to reduce the possibilities for inequality, discrimination and oppression of women.


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