Business Cycles and Unemployment Risk Differentials between Men and Women at Different Educational Levels in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran * corresponding author:

2 Assistant Professor of Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Master of Science (Economics), Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


In Iran, due to job competition, the unemployment risks between men and women, on the one hand, and workers with different levels of education, on the other hand, is not homogeneous. This paper studies the relation between unemployment risks and business cycles in labor force with different education levels and genders based on the OLS method and the data from 2005-2014 period. We investigate whether business cycles can leave a significant influence on unemployment risks among men and women with different educational levels. To this end, the seasonal data of Iranian economy during 2005 - 2014 period were used. First, the cyclical part of GDP was extracted by using Hodrick-Prescott filter and then a model was proposed by using OLS method. The literature identifies two different mechanisms for this trend: structural crowding out or cyclical crowding out. Comparing the unemployment risks of the labor force with primary school education to the illiterate workers reveals a countercyclical behavior, i.e. increases in recession and decreases in boom. The unemployment risk of female labor force with secondary school education compared to female workers with primary school education is countercyclical, although it is pro-cyclical for men. This result can be explained by cyclical crowding out theory. The unemployment risk of labor force with higher education for both men and women compared to the ones with secondary school education is pro-cyclical, i.e. decreases in recession and increases in boom. The recession pattern can be explained by the cyclical crowding out theory, while the boom pattern is consistent with structural crowding out. The results indicate that the unemployment risks in business cycles for all educational groups are gender-biased. This can be explained by segregated nature of the labor market (separation based both on gender and on occupation).


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