Mediation Effect of Healthy Lifestyle in the Relationship between Health Literacy and Rural Women’ s Health-Related Quality of Life in West Islam Abad Township

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc Graduate, Department of Agricultural Extension, Communication and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan

2 Associate professor, Department of Agricultural Extension, Communication and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan

3 Assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Extension, Communication and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan


The aim of this study was to investigate the mediation effect of Healthy Life Style (HLS) in the relationship between Health Literacy (HL) and Rural Women’ s Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL). The statistical population of the study consisted of 13835 rural women aged from 15 to 64 years old in West Islam Abad Township. According to Bartlett, Kotrlik & Higgins’ Table (2001), 250 person of the them were selected using multiple stage sampling method for doing study. Standard questionnaires (after adjusting the questions with the field of research) were employed for data collection. Content validity of the questionnaires confirmed by experts and construct validity and composite reliability of the questionnaires satisfied by estimating the measurement model. Collected data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) multivariate technique and the Bootstrapping method was used for testing mediating effect. The results showed that HL had a positive and significant effect on HRQL (β=0.518, ρ-value=0.001) and explained about 27 percent of its variances. Moreover, the results indicated that sum of indirect effect of HL on HRQL through the variable of HLS was significant (β=0.175, ρ-value=0.001) and HLS partially mediated positive effect of HL on HRQL.


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