Predicting positive psychological states in women’s post-divorce adjustment

Document Type : Research Paper


1 allame tabatabaei

2 Allame tabatabaei


Continuous growing of divorce rate, has made it an important social dilemma and this fact, has got lots of researcher’s attention to divorce increase consequences and necessity to adjustment with post-divorce conditions. This study was conducted to predict Positive psychological states in women’s post-divorce adjustment. In this study 150 divorced women from 19 to 65 years old were selected by random sampling method. In this article Fisher’s Divorce Adjustment Scale (FDAS) and predict Positive psychological states (PPS) were used. Pearson correlation and multivariate regression were used for data analysis. Multivariate regression findings showed that there is multiple correlation coefficient between Positive psychological states and post-divorce adjustment. Among positive psychological states Optimism, control, hope, meaningfulness of life and life satisfaction can predict 53 percent of women’s post-divorce adjustment Variance. It means with increasing in psychological states such as Optimism, control, hope, meaningfulness of life and life satisfaction post-divorce adjustment will increase too.


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