The Role of Mindfulness, general self-efficacy and emotional intelligence in Predicting Perceived Stress in female students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of General Psychology

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, university of Zanjan


The Role of Mindfulness, general self-efficacy and emotional intelligence in Predicting Perceived Stress in female students
The aim of the present Study was to investigate the relationship of Mindfulness, general self-efficacy and emotional intelligence with Perceived Stress in female students of Zanjan Azad University. The participants of this study were 200 female students, who were selected by Stratified random cluster sampling method. The instruments used in this study were the mindfulness questionnaire Brown and Ryan, Sherer's Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, emotional intelligen shot and Cohen Perceived Stress. Data were analyzed, using person correlation and multiple regression. The results correlation coefficient showed there was significant multiple correlations between mindfulness, emotional intelligence and general self-efficacy with perceived stress. In addition The regression analysis showed that a linear combination variables mindfulness, emotional intelligence and general self-efficacy predictor variables explained about 59 percent of perceived stress. The finding support the importance of mindfulness, emotional intelligence and general self-efficacy in predicting reducing perceived stress.


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