Analyzing the obstacles of mobilization microfinance (MF) of women into rural women's cooperatives in Jiroft County

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof., Agricultural Extension and Education Dep., College of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.,

2 M.Sc. Graduated, Agricultural Extension and Education Dep., College of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran., Email:


Women's participation in cooperatives has an empowerment role in economic, social, and psychological issues; it even improves their political participation. Many economic and social development experts of Iran stress on the need for the women's cooperative firms. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the obstacles of mobilization microfinance (MF) of rural women's cooperatives. Jiroft County has been selected as the target area and needed data for doing the research were gathered through a questionnaire technique by using a surveying methodology. The study population included 345 women members of rural cooperatives from which 180 samples were selected by an optimal proportion sampling method. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the variables age, level of dependency on cooperative income, the members' satisfaction from membership in the cooperative and satisfaction from the performance of managers and the variable obstacles of mobilization women microfinance (MF) in cooperatives. The results also showed that among different obstacles for mobilization women microfinance (MF) in cooperatives the economic barriers had the highest importance and impact. The rest of barriers were: managerial, geographic, social, educational, family and individual respectively. The results of the structural equation showed that the used model has been a rather good fitness.


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