Divorce and its Determinants:Emphasizing on Economic Factors



The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effective factors on divorce -vith emphasis on economic factors and literacy of women. In fact the main que lion of this paper is that: is there a direct relationship between economic factors, women literacy rate and divorce in Iran? Therefore four variables urbanization, women's literacy, unemployment and GDP (as a proxy for Pleasuring the standard of living)) have been selected based on the availability of information and theoretical relevance for the equation. Regression analysis (panel data) will be utilized to explain why divorce has been on the rise and in an attempt to fmd what causes the variation in the di -orce rate across states; this paper uses Iran's provincial data from 2002 to _2007
The results show that there is a positive relationship between urbanization, omen's literacy, unemployment and divorce rate and GDP (as a proxy for measuring the standard of living) was not statistically significant. According o the measure of the t-test, the most important factor of divorce in this study I urbanization.
