The Perception of Neighborhood Safety and the Use of Public Spaces Gender and Age-Based Contrast in Inner City of Tehran


1 ssistant Professor, Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University

2 PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran

3 Associate Profeesor Tehran University


It is true that citizens must be able to access public spaces irrespective of their gender and age differences. But social structures, social and physical disorder and personal characteristics of social groups (men and women) make their different perceptions of neighborhood safety, resulting in unequal use of public spaces. This study aimed to analyze above differences in terms of six subgroups according -to age and gender variables using questionnaire in eighborhood Nine of District Twelve, in the city of Tehran. The results show that with the exception of women 60 years of age and older, men use public spaces more than women: Pearson correlation coefficient indicates a significant relationship between use of public spaces and the perception of neighborhood safety. Also, analyzing factors affecting perception of neighborhood safety demonstrates social environment variables have more important role than personal characteristics in residents' perception of safety by considering gender as a fixed variable. Accordingly, related social cohesion variables in women and related social support variables in men have the most effect on perception of neighborhood safety respectively.
