The Effect of Gestalt Therapy on Self-Esteem, Depression, and Loneliness of Depressed Divorced Women


1 MA in Family Counselling

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Counselling, Shahid Charnran University of Ahvaz

3 Professor, Department of Psychology, Shahid Charnran University of Ahvaz


This research examined the effect of group gestalt therapy on self-esteem of divorced women, affiliated with Khorram-shahr Social Welfare office.
The statistical population of this research were 60 divorced women of Velfare Office, have been selected through available sampling, and studied a- two groups: an experimental and a control group. Data of the research gathered trough Depression subscale of "Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
nventory (MMPI)", "Eysenck Self-Esteem Inventory", and "Revised Felling of Loneliness Scale". As the research employed the Pretest-posttest control group design, the experimental and the control group selected randomly, and have been pretested, and then the Gestalt Therapy has been implemented on experimental group in 8 sessions. At the end, both groups have been post ested.
In order to analysis the assumption of the research the MANOV A and subsequent ANOV A have been used and it revealed group gestalt therapy has been decreased depression and loneliness, and increased self-esteem in experimental group, compared to control one.
