The Study of Changes in Women Religious Groups: Traditional and Modern Groups


MA MA in Women's Studies


Religious groups as the most prominent centre to exhibit rituals of bewailing are intertwined with social, cultural, and moral life of the believers. It always joins spiritual conditions and the lifestyle of Shia followers to its concordant worldview and ethics.
By the Islamic Revolution ofIran, women's participation in social activities has increased and it led to their more serious cooperation in religious ceremony and bewailing political, social, and economical changes. After revolution, the war and also growth of modernism transformed the beliefs and religious attitude of people, especially women. It also made a change in women's understanding of religious and bewailing rituals structures that in its own caused to a transformation in such rituals as far as it concerned to the content and performance. By the late AP 13705 (AD 1991-2000), new religious groups and reciting ways of eulogies emerged whose identical elements and structures differed from traditional one. In this research, we study these changes, qualities, and the related reasons of such changes.
