Problems Arising from Simultaneity of the Home and Social Roles: A case study of the employed women in the city of Kerman


1 Department of Sociology, Bahonar University of Kerman

2 Sociological Researcher


World-wide studies indicate that women are faced with conflicting roles regarding activities inside and outside home. Understanding the nature of contradictions resulting in these role conflicts is an important step in the reduction of problems faced by women. In addition to reach such understanding, this research attempts to determine types of problems, and to examine the relationship between occupational situation of the employed women and their domestic problems. The researcher, in 1382 (Persian calendar) studied 260 married women employed by the public organizations in the city of Kerman. Methodologically, this is a survey study which uses the SPSS for data analysis. To examine the relationship among the variables the regression test, among others, is used. The findings indicate that the employed women over-evaluated their problems regarding domestic activities, and that the most acute among their problems is the task of cleaning and organizing the house. The study also showed that women's problems are not necessarily work related. Instead, most of their problems are rooted in traditional views of the society concerning their roles which make them think not only of work related issues but also of the domestic roles at the same time. The study shows that with the growing cooperation of husbands in the domestic chore, women's problems decrease considerably. Given the frequencies, the study did not find much meaningful relationship between women's occupational situation and their specific problems in that women tended to over-evaluate their domestic problems irrespective of their working hours, income, and the organizational position.
